An Imperial expedition on Pluto has unleashed a wave of darkness and despair upon humanity, spreading madness and corruption. While the worlds of mankind fall to ruin, a handful of determined invesigators stumble across conspiracies that threaten to tear civilization apart.
Two Campaigns: This book contians two distinct campaigns set in the Dark Symmetry era, exploring the early years of the Mutant Chronicles setting.
The Fall of von Holle: In the days following the emergence of the Dark Symmetry, missing heiress, an emergency call, and the agenda of a madman all lead to an unsettling discovery and a vile conspiracy.
The Dark Symmetry Campaign: At the height of the First Dark Legion War, a series of seemingly-innocuous events in Luna City reveal a dark scheme that spreads across human civilization.
Pregenerated Characters: Six characters designed to work with the premise of the adventures
Doomtroopers: A selection of items used by the Cartel's elite warriors, who were founded in the height of the First Dark Legion War.
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Related Tags System 2d20 Manufacturer Modiphius Entertainment Reduced Items Sale Manufacturer's Code MUH050002 ISBN 978-1-910132-26-5
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